About RunTheLabs

The RunTheLabs Story

RunTheLabs is a solution to an ages old problem in competitive athletics. Low levels of key nutrients and the difficulty and confusion associated with investigating these issues has confounded coaches and athletes for years. Low iron in runners, and female athletes in general is one of the most widely known nutrient issues, yet this and other associated pertinent nutrient levels remain hidden and unexplored, and athletes and coaches are left guessing at what causes training, endurance and performance decline or stagnation. What testing is available direct to athletes, is often unnecessarily complex, expensive, and looks at variables well beyond the most common metabolic causes of hampered performance.

Our goal is to rectify this situation, to provide access to affordable lab testing direct to athletes, focusing on the most relevant and reliable lab tests only, using trusted professional clinical laboratories. We plot results using our recommended optimal nutrient ranges. These optimal ranges represent the enhanced nutrient requirements of intense athletic activity but still lie safely within standard lab reference ranges. When nutrient issues are detected, they are easily actionable and we recommend appropriate dietary modifications and suggest specific high quality professional grade supplementation when indicated.

RunTheLabs is the culmination of a 20 plus year journey of continuous study and application of clinical nutrition and functional medicine as it applies to human health and athletic success. We have worked directly with many athletes and coaches, dozens of state championship runners and teams and even national champions. We have helped many athletes in their quest to perform at the college level, with many going on to run at D1 and D2 programs. The results of optimizing nutrient levels for athletes are often phenomenal, game changing improvement in overall health, training recovery and performance. This testing is not just for runners. Our mission at RunTheLabs is to take this service to a level where we have a significant impact on all sports that require athletes to have optimal levels of fitness and endurance to thrive and succeed.